
All my publications can be found in my Google Scholar.


  1. Clustered Multi-Agent Linear Bandits
    Cherkaoui, H., Barlier, M., and Colin, I.
    arXiv preprint 2023
  2. Price of Safety in Linear Best Arm Identification
    Shang, X., Colin, I., Barlier, M., and Cherkaoui, H.
    arXiv preprint 2023


  1. Multivariate semi-blind deconvolution of fMRI time series
    Cherkaoui, H., Moreau, T., Halimi, A., Leroy, C., and Ciuciu, P.
    NeuroImage 2021
  2. Efficient whole brain estimation of the haemodynamic response function for TV-regularized semi-blind deconvolution of neural activity in fMRI
    Cherkaoui, H.
    Ph.D. thesis 2021
  3. Characterization of the haemodynamic response function after a buprenorphine challenge study in Human healthy volunteer
    Cherkaoui, H., Moreau, T., Ciuciu, P., Fernandez, B., Bottlaender, M., Tournier, N., and Leroy, C.
    In Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2021


  1. Learning to solve TV regularised problems with unrolled algorithms
    Cherkaoui, H., Sulam, J., and Moreau, T.
    In 34th Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2020


  1. Sparsity-based blind deconvolution of neural activation signal in fMRI
    Cherkaoui, H., Moreau, T., Halimi, A., and Ciuciu, P.
    In 44th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2019
  2. fMRI BOLD signal decomposition using a multivariate low-rank model
    Cherkaoui, H., Moreau, T., Halimi, A., and Ciuciu, P.
    In 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 2019


  1. Analysis vs synthesis-based regularization for combined compressed sensing and parallel MRI reconstruction at 7 tesla
    Cherkaoui, H., Gueddari, L., Lazarus, C., Grigis, A., Poupon, F., Vignaud, A., Farrens, S., Starck, J.-L.., and Ciuciu, P.
    In 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 2018