Hamza Cherkaoui

Noah’s Ark, Huawei Technologies

Paris, France

I’m a postdoctoral researcher at Noah’s Ark Paris Huawei Technologies currently focusing on multi-agents linear bandits with Dr Igor Colin and Dr Merwan Barlier.

My research interests are bandits, Bayesian optimization, convex optimization, deep learning and dictionary learning.

I am a former Ph.D. student from the Parietal team at Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), done under the supervision of Dr Philippe Ciuciu, Dr Claire Leroy and Dr Thomas Moreau.

Take a look at my Curriculum vitae and my publications for more details!


Sep 15, 2023 Our latest paper can be found here!
Feb 14, 2023 I’m happy to join Noah’s Ark Paris Huawei Technologies! I will be working with Dr Igor Colin and Dr Merwan Barlier.